Searsport Shores Campground Kayak Rentals: Call 207-548-6059
Imagine your Facebook status update: Spent the morning kayaking on Penobscot Bay…scanned the shoreline for seals and herons, watched the osprey fishing over head…until I jumped~ there was a dolphin within arm’s reach of the kayak. Wish you were here.

Morning paddle in front of Searsport Shores Campground
Rent a single or double kayak and we’ll guide you in the right direction. Beginners to advanced paddlers are welcome. Campers can reserve a kayak in the store between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. For those paddlers who are not camping with us but still want to experience the bay in a kayak, please give us a call (207) 548-6059 or come on down to the campground. It would be our pleasure to set you up with a kayak(s) rental and get you out to enjoy the wonderful coastline that awaits you with new surprises each morning.
You can kayak to Sears Island, a restaurant or lobster pound, one of the local town harbors or just fish along the shore. It’s common to see seals, porpoise, loons, eagles, hawks, and so much more sea life while you out in the bay. There is nothing more exciting during a paddle than to witness a porpoise swim by your kayak, almost at eye level. You may want to bring a water proof camera or binoculars along with your bottle of water, lunch/snack, suntan lotion, water shoes and a few dollars for an ice cream.
We offer only Recreational Sea going Kayaks….the ones recommended for the changing conditions of the Bay and our desire to play in the water with ease…you do not want to cross an ocean in a tippy vessel or sit-a-top a plastic banana.
Provided: single or double recreational ocean touring kayaks, PFDs, paddles and a bilge pump. After signing in, one of our staff will outfit you and take you down to the beach to start you on your way. If weather appears questionable to us we will not allow the kayaks to go out.
Mornings are usually the calmest times on the bay. Check out more picts and info on our facebook page.
All participants must know how to swim & must be in good physical condition.
- PFD’s Must Be On (we supply).
- No equipment may be used under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Do not jump from or turn over kayaks.
- Do not exit the bay or enter the open ocean.
- Do not overload boats or place others in the kayaks
- Do not strap anyone into the kayaks
- One man kayaks are for ONE PERSON ONLY!
HOURS: May through October
Open every day at 8:00 A.M. Last kayaks go out two hours before sunset.
(closed if high winds or unsafe weather)

Exploring the Waters of Penobscot Bay in a campground kayak!

Sunrise over Sears Island. View from Searsport Shores
“Plastics kill 1.5 million marine animals each year.” Please do not leave any plastic or other waste anywhere but the garbage pail. Thank you for helping protect the health of our Bay.